Celebrities and their Crazy Insurance Policies

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 21 January 2012, 01:43 IST
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Bangalore: 'Celebrities' is what you and me have always aspired to become. Be it by hook or crook, many of us would like to have the tag 'celebrity' attached with our names. Everyone wants to be famous. They are the face of public fascination and have influenced our day to day life. What makes them so special? Celebrities are born through a wide range of ways: through their professions, appearances in the media, or even by complete accident. But once famous, they need to keep scoring to be in the limelight. For celebrities their entire living depends upon the way they look. For them their most important assets are their appearance. If their living depends on an important body part like hands, fingers, smile or legs they cannot take chances on that. Each celebrity will have a trade mark and they would be known by that. They cannot afford to lose out on that. Hence they get themselves insured for specific body parts. Here is a list of celebrities who have got some interesting insurances done for some of their specific body parts. 1. Mariah Carey:
Mariah Carey
Could you guess what the famous pop star got herself insured for? Nope it is not her vocal cords. It is none other than her gorgeous beautiful legs. Mariah was also awarded the title 'Legs of a Goddess' by a shaving company. Though most of them called it a stupid and shameless publicity, Mariah went ahead and insured her legs for $1 billion in 2006.

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