Are you Rajesh or Rajiv? You are most likely to get to the TOP

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 28 April 2011, 06:29 IST   |    23 Comments
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Bangalore: Can your name be the key for you to become a CEO? According to a study by the professional social networking site LinkedIn, it can be. The site has done some digging on the top CEO names, and most popular names by industry and country and found that the top CEO names on LinkedIn are "Peter" and "Deborah." In order to figure out the most common names among CEOs worldwide, LinkedIn compared them with the average LinkedIn member. The top CEO names found on the network, in order, are: Peter, Bob, Jack, Bruce, Fred, Deborah, Sally, Debra, Cynthia, and Carolyn.
According to the study, the most over-indexed CEO names for males tend to be either short or shortened versions of popular first names. On the other hand, female CEOs tend to use their full names to project a more professional image.
The study also found out the most popular names in other industries. In law enforcement, the most popular names are Billy, Darrell, Pete, Troy and Rodney. In human resource the popular names are Emma, Katie, Claire, Jennifer and Natalie. Other industries include ales (Chip, Todd, Trey), engineering (Rajesh, Jeremy, Andrew), restaurant business (Thierry, Philippe, Laurent) and athletics (Ryan, Matt, Jessica, Matthew, Jason).
By country, Howard took the top CEO name in the U.S., Ray won in Canada, Charles for the U.K., Tony for Ireland, Gilles for France, Wolfgang for Germany, Guido for Italy, Xavier for Spain, Rajiv for India, Mike for New Zealand, Bruce for Australia and Roberto for Brazil. What do you think about your name helping you get to the top?