Bollywood Movies Now as Video Games

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 23 September 2011, 23:49 IST
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Bangalore: Bollywood has always been a trend setter. Be it the story, be it their dance sequences or be it their fashion trends. They have always influenced us. Now, with the growing technology they have moved on to influence the gaming world. Many of the Bollywood movies, hit or flop, are making their debut as video games. Some of these games can be played on the mobile and some on your PCs. Gaming has evolved and has created a niche market in India. It is one of the most profit making businesses of the digital world today. Here is the list of the movies by Kunal Anand reporting for 1. Ra. One:
Apart from Ra. One making its debut on the big screens in October, you can still enjoy the action of Ra. One in video games. The game has about six characters including Shahrukh's character G.One and Arjun Rampal's character RA.One. This new PlayStation game has more than 20 game play environments and will offer a number of challenges and multi-player action levels. The game is considered to be the prequel of what happens in the movies Ra. One. A source informs that one chapter of the game will have a Kareena Kapoor avatar doing Lara Croft-ish stunts. The main cast of Ra.One have also given voice-overs for their respective characters in the game. The cost of the game has not been fixed, however the makers assure that it will be decided keeping the masses in mind so that it can be accessible to as many people as possible. The game is speculated to be released before the movie.

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