Biggest Mistakes Jobseekers Make and Solutions to Overcome It

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 05 October 2011, 00:20 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: Recession period has started all over the world and there are millions out there seeking their desired jobs. At this time a jobseeker must be very good in selecting his job. There must be no error in this selecting process. Even though people are very careful while selecting, some of them make mistakes that can affect their future career negatively. So, here are ten mistakes job seekers usually make and solutions to overcome that problem-
Spending less time for job search:
1. Spending less time for job search: Most of the job seekers spend very less time for searching a job. The reasons for this may be they don't have sufficient time to search for it. So, to get nice job opportunity, try to spend much time for job searching as a recent research showed that people who have put more time for searching job they have got their jobs sooner.

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