BigRock announces premium .com Websites for Indian Businesses

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Mumbai: BigRock, an ICANN-accredited domain registrars and hosting company, today unveiled a complete '.com website-in-a-box' package for small businesses, professionals, and individuals. This complete website package includes a premium .com domain name, email hosting, and web hosting integrated with an easy-to-use interactive website builder. The package has everything needed for a small business to get their own .com website set up in a few easy steps. The entire package costs only 499 for a .com website and 399 for a .net website, making it easy and affordable for anyone to get their website setup immediately. "While India's internet user base and digital businesses are on a rise, it is vital that they have immediate access to platforms that help them instantly with the basics of setting up a business online. In line with this, we continue to provide our customers great prices, quality support, and rock solid products," said Bhavin Turakhia, Founder, BigRock. "Since the launch of BigRock early this year, we continue to grow organically and have successfully expanded our customer base by over 2000 percent. In keeping with our vision, we want everyone who is considering a domain name, website, or hosting to come to us at BigRock." To promote this offer, BigRock has launched its new integrated advertising campaign with the tagline "Got a Business? Get a website" to drive home the message that every business needs a website. BigRock had earlier announced a 10 Cr. advertising budget for this year. BigRock ran a highly acclaimed TV campaign earlier this year, which won an Abby for its ad creatives and was recently nominated for Best Internet Business at the World Brand Congress. Commenting on the new offer, Shashank Mehrotra, General Manager & Business Head, BigRock said, "Today, only 1 in every 60 SMEs have set up their website which means the Indian market is still highly underpenetrated. With the current offer on a premium .com website-in-a-box, we want to invite anyone who has been sitting on the fence to come and see how easy getting a website is. With a compelling and easy to use web-presence package priced at 499, we are confident of bridging that gap." As per an analyst firm Forrester, the global online population is expected to hit 2.2 billion by 2013 and Asia will continue to be the biggest internet growth engine. India is projected to have upwards of 250 million Internet users by 2014. . However, the total number of domains registered in India is only about 3.5 million versus the 220 million domains registered worldwide. BigRock expects significant growth in this space in the coming 18 months.