Best and worst questions asked in the job interviews

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 22 July 2011, 00:33 IST
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Bangalore: Interviews do end up being success for few and disaster for many. Why does it turn up to be a disaster? Lack of preparation is the main reason. Being presentable is not what all company expects. How does your brain work is what they want to know. Questions asked in the interviews can be interesting as there are best and worst questions put up in front of the interviewee. Few general questions are listed down so that you work on these before going of any other interview in future. Do ask: 1. what is the biggest strength you will bring to the organization? This is a very sensible question to ask in the start of the interview. To know the capability and how much effort the interviewee has taken to prepare for the interview this will be the best question to ask first. This is a mind boggling question to answer as the interviewee has to give his best answer to impress the HR.
Don't ask: 1. How many warnings you get before you are fired? This is a very rude question still the HRs don't hesitate to ask when they are searching for a hardcore performer and especially in the challenging organizations like ad agencies and media related organizations would never mind asking such questions as they are too liberal which do lead to disasters in the organization.

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