Behaviors to Avoid during a Brainstorming Session

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Fremont: A brainstorming session is a problem-solving technique, where members come together, to give their ideas and solutions. Of late, brainstorming sessions have become an opportunity to skip work and a time pass, which ruins the whole aim of a brainstorming session. Here are few brainstorming behaviors to be avoided. The Wanderer
Behaviors to Avoid during a Brainstorming Session
Since the brainstorming session is supposed to open the floodgates and allow a free flow of ideas, there are tendencies of clashing of ideas, and wandering away from the topic. For every brainstorming session, there should be a moderator, who keeps a check on whether the group is going haywire or is on track. Make sure that there is a balance maintained between the funny and the serious topics. In order to avoid the participants from wandering or getting bored, keep up the positive energy, and keep cheering all those who give their inputs.

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