Is It The End of Naxal Era?

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 26 November 2011, 01:02 IST   |    5 Comments
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Bangalore: One of the strongest sympathizers of Naxalites once termed them the ‘Gandhians with Guns’, but today as their top leaders are being gunned down by the CoBRA commandos, the dreams of a revolutionary overthrow of the government and signals a possible victory to India’s war against its gravest internal security threat.

He waged a bloody war against the state and spent a life mostly in hiding for years with a dream of a red nation, and the expected end did not leave Kishenji alias Koteshwar Rao. He was elusive and media-friendly whose image is nothing beyond a man with a striped scarf around his head and a casually hanging AK-56 over the shoulder who for the outside world was a feared Maoist leader, a brutal killer and a master in guerrilla warfare. He is known for his fast movements and sharp intelligence with which he could escape the dragnet of security forces on several occasions. The Andhra Pradesh born Maoist leaders is credited for building Lalgarh Movement which is now called as the second Naxalbari in India. Kishenji was a member of the Central Committee, Central Military Commission and the Polit Bureau of the CPI Maoist.

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