Beauty Products for Men "An Open Secret"

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 24 December 2011, 01:08 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: It is normally woman who spend hours in bathroom using various beauty products and applying loads of different creams and hair products every day. But a new trend has emerged for men who care as women about their appearance.

Do men really use beauty products? The answer is yes, but they do not admit it! All sorts of beauty products for men are available in market and the sale of men's cosmetics is growing twice as fast as women's cosmetics. A study by Real Style Network says, 59 percent of men use cosmetics products on a daily basis, while 82 percent say that are not embarrassed about purchasing these beauty products.

More and more companies like Nivea and Baxtex have started concentrating on this industry to provide variety of beauty products or skin care cosmetics for men. Several beauty firms have been offering a range of beauty salons and massage clinic and have introduced skin treatment techniques to carry out the men's needs. Now-a-days many popular men's magazine are also providing information like men's beauty tips, which states that men are also conscious about their looks.

Especially younger generations are more conscious about their appearance. It is totally different when men claimed that all you need a bit of soap and some deodorant and you were ready for the day. Today's men's thinking is different, they say I am a modern gay because I care about my skin and am willing to use cosmetics to improve their overall look.

Changes in the weather also make men to use cosmetics who are interested to preserve their looks. It does not matter whether they use women or men's beauty products. Men like to use cosmetics which give them instance results with fewer cosmetics, not like women using lots of beauty products which make them spend most of their time in front mirror.