Beat These Productivity Killers

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 27 December 2011, 02:40 IST   |    5 Comments
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Bangalore: Productivity is the key term in work-life. Did you ever find some days are dull and without any move in career graph? Find out why and what are the things that interrupt your productivity. The basic formula is – ‘the output is proportionally integral to the inputs’. Productivity depends on mainly two instincts; one is of brain and other is of mind. So whatever we feed to the mind and brain will spawn the productivity. ‘You will omit what you had’, it is the first psychology lesson a counselor learn.

Identifying the productivity killers are not a tough job. Finding the barriers on your work will help you to improve your career.  ‘Worrying never solve the problems’ - Keep it in mind and find the proper solutions. Productivity killers are the biggest troubles many meet in their life. Not only in your career, but in education and personal life, they make big challenges. But coming to the professional life, it will rebuff your career growth. In today’s world as we experience the work-life integration, we cannot easily craft the proper balance between work and life. If you are unable to bring out the best output in your job, it may be graphing negatively on your career. Try to identify these productivity killers and be dynamic.


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