Avoid Deleting This From Your Budget

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 23 September 2011, 23:25 IST
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Bangalore: Living on a budget is something most us have started practicing. Especially when the fear of recession started settling within people, they grabbed opportunities to increase their source of income. It is not easy to count a few bucks and confine our spending. Contrary to what you may be thinking, the point of a budget is not to immediately squirrel away every single penny that comes into your possession. Cutting your monthly budget doesn't mean trimming necessities; it means saving money on them. You might consider sacrificing certain needs to fulfill your basic needs. But make sure while doing so you do not eliminate certain priorities from your budget. Retirement Savings
Avoid Deleting This From Your Budget
Don't risk your future by making decisions in haste. Retirement is very important because this alone is going to be your source of income when you retire. I am sure you would not like to be a burden on your kids and expect them to take care of you in your old age. Make a goal to save at least ten percent each month. If things are extremely tight try for five percent. It is only through saving money each month that you will truly be able to get ahead financially.

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