Authors Hate Amazon Kindle

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 23 November 2011, 00:53 IST
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kindle lending library
Bangalore: Amazon kindle lending library has wounded the authors as the tablet rents e-books at free for a month like other libraries. The Authors' Guild has disapproved the Amazon kindle lending library. The Authors' Guild has charged Amazon saying it has done a contract breach with the publishers by including the Authors' name in the lending program when most of the writers declined to chip in. The kindle lending library by Amazon was announced on Nov 3, 2011. The annual membership fee in this library cost $79 for 2 day shipping and streaming movies and can lend one e-book on kindle device per month. The consumer can keep the e-book till they check out another book. Once they check another book, the previous one will be erased from the tablet.

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