Are e-books Fading the Popularity of Paper Books?

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 10 October 2011, 16:15 IST
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Bangalore: Books have been the foundation stone of our society for centuries, particularly after the invention of the printing press - conceivably the most significant invention in human history. Digital technology has begun to radically change the role of books in our society though. But of late the e-book has exploded in popularity. One can come across thousands of e-books online these days. The popularity of e-books among readers has grown drastically. So the biggest question is: are e-books fading the popularity of paper books?
The time has come to draw line between paper-based books and news and e-books, e-News papers. Going by the technology point of view, we have come to a stage where we can move all our books and news papers to electronic media. However, that did not make the paper-based books a history. Both the e-books and paper books are our best friends for the reason that it allows us to read and get hold of knowledge. From the time when we were kids, we have seen number of paper books lying in our study room and shelves. Paper books are quite heavy in weight and they also require space in our book shelf whereas eBooks are the digital form of books that are adjustable inside your PC, laptop, and tablet or even in your smart phone.

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