Are Your Senior Managers Psychopaths?

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 24 January 2012, 00:41 IST   |    19 Comments
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Bangalore: Working with a psychopath senior manager is very challenging, as you will be having many obstacles to face with him to clear your way to success. A psycho manager is someone who can make things complicated for you at the workplace. According to a study, people who have the psychopathic tendencies are four times more likely to be found occupying senior level management positions in this highly sophisticated world, because even a manager will be having the ambition to flourish in his or her career path.  The mimic attitude these psychomanagers carry without any emotions, will frequently lead to destructive behavior. But one thing you can observe is that, even though a person has the psychopath behavioral disorder, it doesn’t lead to crime at anytime and some of the psychologists believe that 1 percent of people who suffer from mental disorders are basically embedded in genetics, reports Kevin Voigt from CNN.

So, by what exactly a senior manager turns out to develop a psychopathic attitude?

Normally, a manager turns out to be difficult one to bare when; he or she is in the thrust of success. So, at this time, to achieve success in the future, your manager may start grabbing all your ideas and work and start taking credit to himself, as if he had proposed the overall idea to his senior and at the end it is you who will be victimized if the idea doesn’t work in favor of the company as your manager would have intelligently made you as the culprit in front of others.

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