Are You an Aggressive and Bossy Team Leader?

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 31 August 2011, 23:57 IST   |    5 Comments
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Have you ever quit a job because of your aggressive team leader? Or are you a bossy team leader? Team leaders are the most important parts of corporate world today and the effective team work is one of the most valuable aspects. A good team leader can play a very important role in an employee's life simultaneously a bad team leader can leave a depressing impact. The power given to the team leader may lead to arrogance and superior feelings which can end up hurting the subordinates. Almost everyone would like to become a team leader, but there are very few who would actually possess the characteristics to be a good team leader. Shreya Biswas explains some points how to foster humility as a team leader. Be yourself at all times
Be yourself at all times
Many times we see that once a person become team leader; they develop certain bossy attitude towards the team under them. But unless the leader gets down to the brass tack with the team members, the leader would not be respected. Your dominant and bossy nature may make them upset. When they are not humble with the team they try to act by creating an artificial cover. The ego will lead to lack of effective communication and there will be less good performance by the team.

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