Are You Suffering From Unemployment ?

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 12 October 2011, 23:52 IST   |    4 Comments
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Bangalore:India is the country with large number of man power and the country can take this as an advantage by making it a major work force and develop the economy. Even though the country is having such a big population, it has failed to make good use of it.
Presently, the Indians, especially the youth is facing a massive unemployment problem which can be defined as the state of worklessness to the people who are very keen to work. According to economists and social thinkers the rate of unemployment is much higher in the urban areas when it is compared to rural areas and also the unemployment rate is higher in women than those of men. The incidence of unemployment is more among the educated when we see the overall unemployment rate. The percentage of unemployment rate is around 10.8 percent as per the 2010 financial year. In India every year there are about 5 million people who become eligible for securing jobs but many of them in that stay unemployed because of the less number of vacancies in all the working sectors.

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