Are You Smarter Than the Average?

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 20 December 2011, 01:47 IST   |    6 Comments
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Bangalore: Do you think you are smarter than average? How someone is identified ‘smart? Do you think your college degree can get you the smart tag? How much an IQ test can reveal your smartness? Anyway, everyone wants to be in smart list.

There are many ways to find someone is smart or not. Smarter people are often recognized by doing multiple tasks.  They may know many things apart from book.  Dr. Gardner who proposed the idea of Multiple Intelligence Theory mentioned, “There is not just one way to be smart but many different ways”. He stated that IQ tests are imperfect as they cannot address the broader areas of one’s interest and where they can show off their smartness and talent. Average IQ is denoted as 100. Check out how smart are you:

1.  You were breast-fed?

According to Joseph Lee Rodgers, Ph.D., a University of Oklahoma Psychology Professor, as genetics has a role in one’s intellect, childrearing also plays a major role. He says, "Parenting efforts can make all the difference in a child's development."

According to a study done in Britain and New Zealand, intelligence has raised an average of 7 IQ points by breastfeeding.  Breast milk helps in the brain development and it is associated with intellect.  "Our findings support the idea that the nutritional content of breast milk accounts for the differences seen in human IQ," Terrie Moffitt, a Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences in Duke University's Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy said in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences report. "But it's not a simple all-or-none connection: it depends to some extent on the genetic makeup of each infant."

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