Are Men Better Self Promoters?

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 18 October 2011, 22:27 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: When it comes to career, women are their own enemies as they are less likely to promote themselves and network than their male counterparts. Many women feel that it is socially unacceptable to promote their contribution. Women need to prove themselves multiple times in order to move ahead in the workplace, whereas men have much more latitude, says Phyllis Korkki in the 'The New York Times'. She says women did not create the glass ceiling, but they help maintain it even having climbed the ladder they may sabotage it for other women by not encouraging and supporting their female staff.
Self promotion is a critical skill for those who intent on moving up, but women are more likely to consider such behavior inappropriate. Basically women tend to put their heads down, do great work and praise others in their department while modestly omitting their own contributions but they get angry later if others take the credit for their work and when they passed over the promotion or hike.

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