Are Congress Ruled States Free Of Communal Riots?

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 26 September 2011, 15:28 IST   |    39 Comments
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Bangalore: Communal riots over the last decade have solely been associated with the BJP, but the recent riots at Bharatput in Rajastan raise an important question. Have we overlooked the riots in Congress ruled states? The country over the last 60 years has seen hundreds of people killed in clashes between communities, and many have been in states ruled by the 'secular' Congress. One need not forget the large scale Sikh riots that happened under the reign of the party with hand symbol. While BJP cannot be excused for the various riots under its rule, Congress which boasts of exclusivity to secularism cannot escape responsibility either. So are the riots under BJP, 'communal riots', and those under the Congress 'secular riots'? This apparently absurd question has to be raised, in the light of the citizens and the media being bought in by Congress claims, that every action under its rule is secular. The Rajastan riots have put this myth to rest!

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