Are College Union Good or Bad?

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 30 September 2011, 00:21 IST   |    9 Comments
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Bangalore: Politics play a very important role in our society. Our daily life is more or less influenced by political decisions. With scams and corruption overflowing day by day, the politics of today has become a darker topic among people. Politics is an energetic topic among youth too as it starts from college. India is a country where the young population is above 50 percent and many young student activists, student unions and their ideologies tend to define the political mood of the country. Moreover student Politics have also been known to give India some of the best politicians. College union acts as a stepping stone for the aspiring politicians. But are students really keen in bringing in a change? Or is it being used for something else?
In India, most of the government colleges have student union and many student unions are highly politicized bodies, and often serve as a training ground. The student organization takes part in improving the quality and capacity of students and plays a vital role for their growth. Moreover the youth of today has the potential to change the current trend of politics. The students union like Students? Federation of India (SFI), Akhila Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), All Assam Students' Union (AASU), Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI) and Delhi University Students Union (DUSU) are the most influential ones who take part effectively in college politics, social activities and to even influence the higher level authority.

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