Apt for Education: Kindle Fire or Aakash?

kindlefire tablet
Bangalore: Tablets for students have already rolled out in the countries like U.S and other European countries. Tablets in education will reduce the baggage of the students as all the notes and text book will be replaced by files, data and E-books. In India this craze is about to perk up when Aakash, an android tablet computer will be distributed among students from universities and college. But kindle fire has also paved a way for themselves in the field of education. Kindle fire and Aakash are now on the same track, but there are huge differences between them when we talk about features and quality. Kindle Fire, the tablet computer developed by amazon.com was launched on 15th Nov 2011. This tablet cost $199 and has killer features which are even not found in iPads. The tablet has created a great buzz in the tech market for its price that is half price of an iPads, unlimited cloud storage, the 7 inch screen which has great visibility and the non-stop streaming. The tablets are ready for schools and the classroom now.