Apps for Not So Smart Phones

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Fremont: If you do not have a smartphone, don't feel left out. There are several apps just made for your kind of mobile phones, which are free and also of high quality. These apps are Java-based, Symbian OS-based and Palm WebOS-based apps for your not so smart phones. Facebook for Every Phone
Apps for Not So Smart Phones
One of the most widely used social networking sites to be connected to your near and dear one's, Facebook is easily accessible by smartphone users, but users with older phones have been left out. With Facebook for Every Phone, you can take social networking with you wherever you want to and with whatever phone you have. A Java-based app, Facebook for Every Phone gives you all of Facebook's best features, ranging from Photos to Newsfeed and Messages. It requires a WAP-enabled phone and the responsiveness depends on your phone. With characters like feature rich and easy to use, the app has a drawback that it has no chat feature.

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