"App Economy" Triggers 500,000 U.S. Jobs

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 09 February 2012, 00:20 IST   |    2 Comments
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Bangalore:  The growth of App economy has fuelled the job availability in such a way that U.S. currently has roughly 466,000 App-related jobs, up from zero in 2007 and is still growing.

The Report, which was published based on a research conducted by TechNet also found that App Economy generated almost $20 billion in revenue in 2011.

Jobs related to the entire “App ecosystem” including programmers, user interface designers, managers, marketers and support staff were taken into account  and it found that around 311,000 jobs were created directly and another 155,000 indirectly.

The customary employment numbers from US Bureau of Labor Statistics was not able to track this trend as the App economic ecosystem is so new. According to Rey Ramsey, President and CEO of TechNet, "America's App Economy, which had zero jobs just 5 years ago before the iPhone was introduced, demonstrates that we can quickly create economic value and jobs through cutting-edge innovation."

The App economy is spread across various jobs including “infrastructure” jobs at core companies such as Apple, Google and Facebook that provide a platform and marketplace for Apps, app-related jobs at large companies like Electronic Arts, AT&T and Amazon and jobs at ‘pure’ App firms like Zynga. 

"Today, the App Economy is creating jobs in every part of America, employing hundreds of thousands of U.S. workers and even more in the years to come," said Ramsey. California tops the list of App economy states followed by Georgia, Florida and Illinois.