Anna's Ex-Blogger, to Make Public Gandhian's Unpublished Letter

Tuesday, 15 November 2011, 01:48 IST   |    1 Comments
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New Delhi: Continuing his fight against Team Anna members, Anna Hazare’s former blogger Raju Parulekar today said he will soon make public an unpublished letter by the Gandhian which “proves” that he was fed up with the hidden personal agenda of four or five people of his Core Committee. “I will produce Annaji’s handwritten and signed letter which he wanted me to upload on his blog which describes that he wants impersonal connect with the nation. “Indirectly, this proves that Annaji is fed up of the 4-5 people for their personal interference and hidden personal agenda,” Parulekar said in his latest blog posting. In an earlier blog also, he had mentioned about the blog which he did not upload after being dictated by Hazare. Parulekar had named Arvind Kejriwal, Prashant Bhushan, Kiran Bedi and Manish Sisodia as a ‘gang of four’ whom Hazare wanted to remove from the team. Referring to Hazare’s announcement about restructuring the Core Committee, he said, “What I had said then holds merit as Annaji himself announced to the world his plans of re-structuring the Core Committee.” Parulekar fell out with Hazare after the activist distanced himself from his claim on restructuring the Core Committee, saying the blogger was talking in air and he never discussed this issue with him. He also quoted reports in the Marathi press that “Annaji fought with Kejriwal and Bhushan in favour of re-structuring of pan-Indian organisation in a close-door meeting held at Ralegan Siddhi. “How an opportunist takes advantage of a situation can be seen from these newspaper reports. Kejariwal and Bhushan asked Annaji to appeal for personal security for themselves (Kejriwal and Bhushan) but Annaji said ‘non-violent satyagrahis should not expect such privileges. “Ultimately these two want Annaji to come to Delhi and stay there (to control and, of course pressurise him) to which Annaji refused,” he said.
Source: PTI