9 More Privacy Options On Facebook

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 23 September 2011, 00:46 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: Facebook recently disentangled several hub features like News Ticker, Smart List and News Feed. With new features come a whole new set of privacy issues, settings and queries. Given below are a few steps that will steer you in precise route and demonstrate the latest privacy options to fortify your accounts on Facebook. See What Your Profile Looks Like To Others
View As
Facebook has introduced an option to see how your profile appears to other users like friends, friends of friends, or people you have arranged in a particular group, front and center on users' profile pages. You can go to your profile, click "View As..." and then click Public and see how your profile looks to others. Now you need not keep guessing on who can see your photos. With this tool, it takes lesser clicks to check out what information other users can find out from your Facebook profile.

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