8 Cool Job Apps on Your Smartphone

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 28 September 2011, 23:34 IST
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Bangalore: Have you ever used your smartphone for your job search? When it comes to your career, you want to be on top and now a days technology has given us access to a number of tools that can help us even to find a job. Whether you have an iPhone, Android, Windows, or BlackBerry, there are varieties of job search apps available in the smartphones. Here is the list of apps that can help you to find a job Job Compass
Job Compass
Job Compass is an iPhone app that utilizes the phone's location-aware capability and Google Maps to deliver location-specific results to users' job search queries. Job Compass is a useful, intuitive and well-designed application that takes out of the equation some of the more tedious aspects of searching for new employment.

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