7 Disruptive Innovations that Changed World Market

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 14 October 2011, 00:10 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: One drop into still water creates an everlasting ripple similarly ground breaking companies with their innovative products have generated earth quakes across particular industry. Their products or services make their competitors nervous and has made them re-think strategies. They have re-defined competition for the latter generation. Their approach was so unique and different that it changed everything. Some of the names in this list are familiar to you but some names could be a "surprise surprise." Check out the list: 1. Tech Disruptor:iPad
Apple iPad
Yes it is the Apple iPad. Apple has been a revolutionary in the field of technology. The tech world and aspiring techies were given an inspiration to see and do something different from the stereotypes. By challenging the idea of portable computer, Apple is pushing the tablet industry and has become the leader in the tablet industry. In 2008, Desktop sales was 45 percent, Netbook/mini PC sales was 45 percent and Notebooks/ Laptops was 9 percent. In 2011, Desktops sales is 18 percent, Netbook/mini PC sales is 42 percent, and Notebooks/ Laptops is 17 percent and the iPad frenzy have grown to 23 percent. iPad holds 68.3 percent of the tablet market share. iPad has never compromised on its pricing. Though it is more expensive than all its competitors, iPad is still leading the tablet market. Bottom line the Apple iPad has created a niche in the tablet industry.

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