77 Percent of Union Ministers are Crorepatis

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 17 September 2011, 00:21 IST   |    50 Comments
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Bangalore: The Union cabinet is like a king who becomes richer and richer at the peril of his subjects. Not a few, but almost 77 percent of the Union Council of Ministers are crorepatis, the rich and prosperous ruling club of a nation reeling under widespread corruption, inflation and price rice. In an analysis of the assets declaration of Union Council of Ministers in the PMO website, the Association for Democratic Reforms and National Election Watch says the average asset value of a minister in the current ministry is 10,63,55,097.
Praful Patel
The growth rate of their assets is amazing and many wish if the country would grow at least half the pace as the wealth of these ministers. The average asset value of a minister was 7.3 cores in 2009 and today it's at 10.6 crores. Interestingly Defense Minist A K Antony and Minister of Corporate Affairs Veerappa Moily are at the bottom of the list with Antony possessing only 35 lakhs and Moily having assets worth just 13 Lakhs. Surprisingly a prominent few have a decrease in their assets like P. Chidambaram, Agatha Sangma, Jitin Prasada, Veerappa Moily, Farooq Abdullah, S. Jaipal Reddy, and S.M. Krishna.

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