6 Thumb Rules of Business Innovation

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 09 February 2012, 00:47 IST   |    4 Comments
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Bangalore: What according to you innovation is? Is it something that solves all our problems efficiently? Or something new and useful? Or which is ahead of time? Well all are true, but for entrepreneurs, innovation is all what can be seen in figures. Though invention and innovation may appear similar, but they all are poles apart. Innovation is actually commercialization of an invention. Innovation can be in different forms. Listed below are five such forms of innovation.
Inspiration We all know that behind every great man is a great woman, similarly behind every innovation is an inspiration. To come up with something unique is when we require inspiration. As a consumer, we have lot of expectations from the products, so in order to make the products much more efficient, the makers take inspiration from lot of things. For instance, Ratan Tata too was inspired by certain issues before he came up with the world's cheapest car, Nano. It was Indian families riding on scooter that inspired Tata. He said, the child getting sandwiched between his mother and father on the slippery roads is what inspired him to come with Nano, and the result was he won great compliments.

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