6 Investment Rules by World's Top Investors

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 21 October 2011, 00:58 IST
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Bangalore:Do you have hiccups when it comes to investing? Are you skeptical about what are the right and wrong investment strategies? Of course if you're an amateur investor there are many questions that pops up with your half baked knowledge. But don't you think that you need to have a steadfast strategy that is built around a set of rules? Here is a set of rules that has been listed out by some of the World's greatest investors. You will be surprised to know their strategies as some of them are as simple as one into one is one reports Forbes. "To trade successfully, think like a fundamentalist; trade like a technician. It is imperative that we understand the fundamentals driving a trade, but also that we understand the market's technicals. When we do, then, and only then, can we or should we, trade." - Dennis Gartman
Dennis Gartman
Dennis Gartman began the publishing of The Gatman Letter in 1987. The dailydose is a commentary of global capital markets. The Gartman Letter acts like a knowledge base for all hedge funds, brokerage firms, mutual funds and grain and trading firms around the world. His above rule explains that it is very necessary for every young investor to understand the factors that are driving a trade. He says that a technical analysis has to be generated by the market activity. Technicalities can help to measure an intrinsic value and also helps you analyze its future value.

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