5 tips for planning your wedding budget

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 28 December 2011, 00:37 IST
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Bangalore: "I would like my wedding to be like the royal wedding .....Is what every singles dream of before tying a knot." Planning to settle at the age of 24, then start planning well in advance for the big day. A great deal of planning settles in right from the day you decide your engagement date but when it comes to saving you got to start investing early in life. Because when two different families meet there is going to be some endless rituals and ceremonies. I am sure you and your partner have decided on having a royal wedding and hitting the most beautiful destination for an exquisite honeymoon. By getting a bit imaginative on the wedding ideas that you would be using would not only make your special day more unique, but also let you save a lot. Moreover, the Indian wedding has grown to be quite an elaborate event, requiring meticulous planning, and a huge pool of funds. Here are a couple of wedding ideas that would give you the most fabulous wedding ever, while sticking to your budget. Only mantra is Save, Save, Save
The first step in preparing for your big day is to save. Try and save as much as you can and as early as you can. Plan for a long engagement. Start planning 6 months well in advance. This will give you ample of time to save a big buck. To make your wedding a dream come true for you and your bride you need to have a good budget that would accommodate all your plans. So the best way out for this is to consider opening a separate savings account with an automatic withdrawal from a checking account so that you are saving money on a regular basis from every paycheck deposit or on a monthly basis. You should have different sources of financing your wedding. This can include the savings of both you and your partner and also loans you might avail. If your parents are willing to contribute for the wedding do consider that also.

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