5 things not to share with your HR

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 25 August 2011, 01:19 IST   |    29 Comments
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Bangalore: The human resource manager has the control over all the people, as they have the rights to decide whom to keep in the organization. HR recruits people who deserve to be in the organization. They act as an intermediate between the workers and the direct managers. Having a good conversation and rapport with an HR is obligatory. But sharing your all problems or about your happening life with them is not necessary. 1.Don't share your personal problems
Don't share your personal problems
Do not share your personal life issues with HR. sharing your family problems and tiffs with your friends are not going to make a difference to you or to your HR. your HR will only start pointing out your mistakes They are only to solve the issues you have in the company. They would never help you out with the problems you face outside your workplace. This will only damage the reputation of yours.

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