5 foods that will make you look attractive

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 23 July 2011, 00:25 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: Food is consumed not just to fill the stomach. It's all to maintain good health and to look good. Looking attractive is what everyone wants. Its looks that all matters when it comes to socializing. Always prefer vitamin and protein rich food. Take bath regularly and keep your surroundings clean. Learn to live healthy and clean. Here are few foods suggested to make you look attractive and will also keep you away from diseases. German Kinderpunsch:
This juice is prepared in Germany at the time of Christmas. It warms the body and maintains proper body temperature. This contains cloves, cinnamon stick and castor sugar which have very less sugar content. Apple and grape juice has abundant vitamins and when the juice is made the sugar content is reduced as it is added with water and adding lemon which has great amount of citrus in it is good for hair, skin and also good for digestion. Have a glass of it weekly thrice and feel the change.

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