5 Worst Work Habits to Break

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 29 December 2011, 01:03 IST
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Bangalore: Getting your work done is not the only thing you do at your workplace. There are little more too. The first priority goes for working hard and meeting your target. But if you are an annoying person to everyone, it matters. Some work habits must be avoided in the office. If you are fired from work even after meeting the deadline, try to figure out whether you have any of these work habits. Yeah, you need to avoid some work habits which may put you in trouble. Do you feel irritated when your colleague messes things around? While working in toughest deadline, did you feel awkward when your colleague talks loudly over phone? We have to break these tiny bad habits.

The one who keeps good manners all the way, usually get the cap easily on their head. Avoiding the bad habits will help you to become one of the best employees.  Here are the few worst work habits which you should avoid.

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