5 Ways To Find A Job Through Social Media

By siliconindia   |   Wednesday, 24 August 2011, 23:30 IST   |    1 Comments
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Searching for a job can be most depressing task if one is not using proper tools. Job-hunting today is tougher than it's ever been before. So how do you find a job you want? Now we all know that we have different social networking sites to help us to find a job. Social networks provide a fresh avenue for professionals to make new contacts. But it's not enough to just setting up an account and wait for the opportunity to come. If you really want to use social media to get a job, there is some serious commitment and work involved. Here are some tips to increase your visibility online to find a job Network on LinkedIn
Most of us have a profile in LinkedIn, but just open a Linked In profile in not sufficient. Sometimes we don't even complete our profile. But it's very important that you keep your profile live and fresh. Import all your contacts from your email ID, regardless of how remotely you may know them. Try to build your network before you need it. Get LinkedIn recommendations from your colleagues as a strong recommendation from your manager highlights your strengths and shows that you were a valued employee. Find out where people from a company go next.

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