5 Tips to Work With the Office Drama Diva

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 01 September 2011, 01:19 IST
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Bangalore: We've all seen her. The world revolves around her. She's never wrong. Mistakes are personal affronts. And if you invade her space, you'll get to see a Hollywood-worthy melodrama. Regardless of your skills or efforts, this diva picks relentlessly at your outputs. While it was entertaining in "The Devil Wears Prada," it's energy-draining to experience her in your work environment. While you try your best, it seems you can never meet her expectations and you pay the consequences! What to do? By following these five guidelines, you have a much better chance for a positive working relationship with a Drama Diva and perhaps saving the theatrics for the movies. 1. Develop Rapport:
Overtly confronting a Drama Diva is risky. Often, she'll react disproportionately to any attempts at constructive criticism. Instead, build a relationship with her before initiating a difficult conversation. Study her behaviors, attitudes, and willingness to receive feedback. Invest the time up front to be able to give input later. Demonstrate your support and trustworthiness, especially during challenging times. Drama Divas are known for staying calmer with allies and rewarding loyalty.

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