5 Things Job Hunters Should Know

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 20 October 2011, 23:55 IST   |    6 Comments
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Bangalore: Are you looking for a job? If yes, remember that being well-prepared to fight for the jobs available is half the battle. Therefore, you should know five most essential things about job hunting that are listed below. 1.Passion/Enthusiasm
Passion is one of the top characteristic that recruiters look for in a candidate. Employees who are enthusiastic about their jobs tend to be more productive workers. Always keep in mind that the answer to "Why do you want to work here?" should target the strengths of the company and the challenge of the position, not the perks. A "take or leave it" approach about the job will leave the recruiter feeling the same about you. Therefore, portray your full enthusiasm in front of the recruiter while attending the interview.

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