5 Reasons Why Opt for Franchise than an Independent Business

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 23 February 2012, 02:42 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: Franchising is a blessing in disguise and any person who has adopted a franchise would like to agree on that. Do you know why? It takes many pillars to build a strong business, but only takes another firm's business success model to build a franchise. Franchising is no rocket science. It is way big companies expand their business, but it is also a way an ordinary person can try his hand at entrepreneurship. Adding to it is the factor that everything in a franchising is provided by the franchiser. All you need to do is place the store in the right location and run it according to their defined business model of the franchiser. Here are few of the reasons why Franchising is a better option than an independent business 1. "Be your Own Boss": Franchising gives you the feel that you own the business because there are set of rules and protocols to follow, a discipline that guides you to the money factor and a independence to run the stores on your own. Being a boss and do not have the headache of thinking how to strategize is a top up because all strategies will be thought out by the franchiser (The company that allows an individual known as the franchisee) to run a location of their business that has the brand positioning in the competitive market. All outlets run by the franchisee will be instructed about the changes and how the changes need to be adopted. So a Franchisee can just sit back and enjoy pros of franchising. SiliconIndia is hosting a Franchise City which focuses on the present competitive franchise Market of India. This event is a free event which will give an opportunity to share and discuss ideas or even take suggestions on which brand to franchise. For more information check out SiliconIndia Franchise City.

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