5 Must Read Books for Job Seekers

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5 Must Read Books for Job Seekers
Fremont: Job seeking is no more a once in a lifetime task as it used to be a few decades ago. Whether it is for money, position or for the right job; the urge to go for a better option makes an employee always a job seeker. Also, in today's world it is a well know fact that no company is attrition-proof and no employee is irreplaceable. But just being a job seeker won't help you get that perfect job you have in mind. There comes a time in everyone's life where you see a job that is perfectly suited for you, yet, even with all of your accomplishments and qualifications you are unable to attain it. Several experts in the human resource field have identified this issue and have written books on various topics that will help you to overcome this challenge and land your dream job.

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