5 Great Movies About Money

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 19 December 2011, 23:06 IST
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Bangalore: Money is a very important part of our life. No wonder movies and shows about making money capture the attention of a great number of viewers; the allure of success, the motivation factor.   Hence we notice most of the filmmakers have been focusing on “money” as a central theme in many movies. Over the years there have been lots of movies that dealt with all aspects of finance. Some deal with money as a peripheral issue, there are some great movies that deal with the mechanics of making money. Movies about finance are set in much more insular worlds unlike the movie that are based on political issues.

Here is a list of movies in which money is a major feature and you definitely can learn a lot from these movies.

Boiler Room (2000)

An incredibly fun film with many powerful performances.  Following the same parallels as Wall Street, even including scenes dedicated to the movie, Boiler Room is a very relaxing but intense movie. This movie revolves around a college dropout Seth Davis attempts to get a legitimate job and please his father after dropping out of college and running an illegal casino. What he doesn’t realize is that the stock brokerage where he finds work is far from legal and may just ruin his life.  As a viewer even if you know very little about stocks and bonds and insider trading, there is still plenty in here to keep you intrigued.


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