4 Fruitful Yoga Lessons For Entrepreneurs

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 11 February 2012, 00:22 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: Yoga has gained huge recognition due to its advantageous effects in all aspects of life. The aim of practicing yoga is to balance mind and body to attain healthy lifestyle to meet day to day challenges. Yoga and entrepreneurship are two different worlds but still have some similarities like discipline, balance, concentration, flexibility etc.

Entrepreneurs have to face many challenges and responsibilities to achieve goal at work and practicing yoga keeps them going to meet their day-to-day business objectives and eventually helps them in the long run, an article by Young Entrepreneur Council speaks about the pros of inculcating Yoga on routine basis.

1) Be Present:

Yoga teaches ‘Being Present’. This is a simple lesson that teaches how to keep expectations aside and minimize distractions, which will helps the mind be focused at every prospect of work. This lesson translates very well for an entrepreneur’s life as they go through a roller coaster ride to meet work responsibilities, this will help them eventually in the long run to face challenges. Practicing yoga builds concentration and improves presence of mind so that the entrepreneurs can give full attention to each new task that comes their way.

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