3 Cheap Substitutes to the Aakash Tablet

Bangalore: Aakash, the world’s cheapest tablets comes with lots of pros and cons. But one major fact is that, it’s not that easy to build a tablet under the price range of 3,000. If you want to have the knowledge about other affordable tablets in the same price array and is ready to spend little more bucks for better functionality have a look at these Android alternatives.

MID 7-inch tablet:

MID tablets is a well build tablet with metallic edges and curvy back which gives it a quite decent look and with a price tag of 3,400, you may get it even cheaper if you are good at bargaining. Start up and touch screen performance is not that good, but it has several productivity and gaming apps and an access to Android Store, it runs on Android 2.2 and is powered by Wonder Media WM8650 800MHz processor. It also sports a 7-inch 800 x 480 resistive screen, Wi-Fi, 3G via external dongle, 2 USB ports and 1 RJ45 Ethernet port through external adapter and a 2GB built-in storage which is expandable to 32GB.