2012 Mobile Security, a Rising Danger

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 24 October 2011, 16:25 IST
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Bangalore: Computer security involves more than installing an antivirus utility on PC's. Malicious hackers steal money and wreak havoc, by any means possible. The growing number of mobile devices, such as phones and tablets, and the popularity of social networks give them new avenues in which to expand their cybercrime. As market is flooded with various tech products, the dependency of users on it rises usually. Nowadays the need for securing the devices from hackers has become a criterion. Let's avoid such cyber crimes and hackers by securing it. Mobile Phones and Tablets
Mobile Phones and Tablets
The amount of malware spreading on phones and tablets continued to rise at 22 percent over 2010 in the first half of 2011. Android came under fire surpassing Symbian and Java ME as the most attacked mobile operating system with a 76 percent jump in malware from the first quarter of 2011 to the second. Mobile infections will continue to rise in 2012 especially on Android products as the population of devices increases further. Mobile malware often spreads via app stores, posing as a new app or as a look alike of a well known app. Installation of an antivirus app such as Lookout Mobile Security for Android, BlackBerry, iOS, and Windows Mobile, or AVG Mobilation for Android and Windows Phone 7 to save them. For other mobile threats, attention to be paid towards Wi-Fi security when using wireless hotspots at airports, hotels, and other public places. Tools such as the Firefox add on Firesheep make it easy for people to eavesdrop on ones activity while using Wi-Fi. The tool enables any attacker or a curious one on the same hotspot to capture your logins to Facebook, Twitter, and other sites that don't automatically use SSL encryption. To deter eavesdroppers, instead of using apps to access accounts on mobile devices, go to them directly through your Web browser. Apple offers the free Find My iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad service for devices running iOS 4.2. Microsoft has a similar service, Windows Live for Mobile, and for Windows Phone 7 devices. RIM provides the free BlackBerry Protect app for its devices.

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