10 World's Richest Tech Companies in 2011

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 24 October 2011, 23:27 IST   |    7 Comments
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Bangalore: Technology is improving every day by producing new tech gadgets loaded with features. All the Tech Companies thrive hard to achieve success by implementing new ideas and bring new waves by generating excessive income. This makes them one among the richest tech companies in the present world. Here are 10 Most Richest Tech Companies that have made their way to the list by giving freshness in creating tech products with the available technology. Apple
Apple's iPhone and iPad have pushed the US technology company to top of the list of the richest technology companies as well as the most valuable global brands in 2011. The computer company has made tremendous growth strides since it introduced the first iPhone in 2007. Worth an estimated $348 billion dollars with a $76 billion dollars cash reserve, makes Apple more financially fit than the US Treasury Dept with an estimate $74 billion in cash reserves. The company, which is based in Cupertino, California, has been on a roll with the popularity of its iPad tablet computer and strong sales of the iPhone.

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