10 Unforgettable Moments of Steve Jobs

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 19 November 2011, 00:23 IST   |    1 Comments
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Bangalore: Late Steve Paul Jobs, the co-founder and is the former CEO of the reputed brand, Apple Inc. his inventions stands out from any other inventions in the world of technology. He will live in the hearts of billions forever. But there are few moments in the life of Steve Jobs that created a dynamic change in Apple, technology and life of people. His life story can be a great lesson to every individual. Here are his ten stunning moments of his life listed. They are educating, inspiring and encouraging. 1. Steve Jobs launching Apple Macintosh:
The launch of Macintosh in the year 1984 was one of the amazing things for Apple. It was out of imagination to have a computer on a desk and operate and Steve proved it is possible. The best part of the launch was the Macintosh was put in a box! The concept of graphical user interface was introduced by Jobs that replaced the command line. The whole world observed and gave a standing ovation for this invention which was beyond the imagination. He started the rebellion and everyone followed his track with confidence and belief.

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