10 Things Not to be Done With a Mobile Phone

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 16 December 2011, 02:05 IST
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Bangalore: Mobile phones said to be the means of communication have spread their wings all over the world. Once started as a tool, is now giving rise to unsolvable problems and there are uprising issues such as deaths due to talking while driving.

As the National Transportation Safety Board wants a nationwide ban on drivers using a cell phone while a vehicle is in motion. The organization says that it’s a major cause of vehicular death, and could be one of the key ways in which people can improve their safety while traveling.

In fact, there is a wide range of activities that cell phone owners engage in each day. Here are few things that people have to be aware of while using a cell phone.

Drive While Talking

Driving and talking on a cell phone is dangerous. As numerous studies have shown speaking on the cell phone while driving can be as dangerous as drink and drive. Quite often, people who talk on the phone while driving will find that they sometimes forget where they are and what they are doing. It’s a serious issue, and it should not be taken lightly.

Currently, there are several states across U.S. that have bans on talking on a cell phone while driving, including New York. Those states have claimed that by implementing the policy, they have been able to increase road safety.

Losing a Smartphone Without Password Protection

Smartphone owners leave or loose their devices in a public place unknowingly without password-protection on them. Therefore, anyone can walk over the handset, access its software, and start looking through e-mails, browsing history, and more. All Smartphone’s must be password-protected.

With an increasing rate of hacking when there are passwords challenging to them, think of Smartphone with no such securities. It will be a welcome note for those who get it, so it should not be exposed to people waiting for the golden opportunity.

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