10 Things Bad Managers Say

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 19 December 2011, 16:33 IST   |    13 Comments
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Bangalore: In an organization we go through different problems. The problems may arise through the work we do or it can be created by our senior executives. Many of the managers who acquire higher positions attain the attitude of egoism very soon. They will start dominating on the employees who are under them.

If anyone goes through such kind of a situation, there is no other way than to face it. They will feel helpless, as they are unable to fight back. They set back from sharing their views with the higher authority as they feel that they may lose the job.

In most of the companies, the managers have the habit of humiliating, oppressing on the employees. They start ruling on their employees who work for them.

'Stop what you are doing and do this now':

Many managers in a company start dominating on the younger employees by ordering them assignments anytime they want. There may be situations, where even they are forced to take such a step. Many employees go through many emergencies and deadlines in their work. Sometimes they face situations where they get last minute deadlines which make them very stressful. There are managers who just reject the ideas and opinions that are given by employees as they just want to order their own thoughts above them. Sometimes they start asking the employees to leave all their work and start the work they give at that moment.


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