10 Technologies That were Banned

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 22 September 2011, 23:30 IST   |    12 Comments
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Bangalore: Every country is thriving to get higher pace of technology, each one of them desires to be the leader of innovation. But it is very much possible that some technologies may become threat to government itself and pose serious concern to its internal, external security, these calls for scrutiny over these modern technologies. Keeping some of the ongoing threats in mind, several countries have taken a bolder step to ban some of the technologies. Here are few of the countries and the technologies. 1. Israel bans iPad
Israel bans iPad
In April 2010, the anger of tech lovers went on its peak in Israel, as the much talked about iPad became inaccessible for them. The Communications Ministry announced that it was imposing a blanket ban on the import of Apple's new tablet computer, the iPad, citing incompatibility with the European Wi-Fi standard, which is used in Israel. For this reason, several such computers have been confiscated by customs officials at Ben-Gurion Airport. The public went furious as the ban was only revealed when several of the devices were confiscated by customs officials.

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