8 Most Creative People in Business 2011

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 18 October 2011, 00:42 IST   |    2 Comments
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Bangalore: The names listed out here have been catalytic personalities who have made a remarkable change in their company or industry with their out of the box ideas. Their business strategies have not only tagged as the 'brain child', but have also bagged them the 'Benjamins'. These creative thinkers have set the milestone for the latter generation and have challenged future leaders to set the bar higher. Here is the list of the Creative people who changed the face of business: 1. Eric Dishman/Intel:
Eric Dishman/Intel
Intel's director of health innovation, Eric is responsible for driving Intel's worldwide research, new product innovation and usability engineering activities in the healthcare area. Dishman joined Intel in 1999 as a senior researcher, and has been involved in a variety of research and management roles related to Intel's consumer and healthcare businesses. Trained as a social scientist, he has been involved with bringing an ethnographic approach to Intel's research and product development efforts. According to Eric, Healthcare needs tech based solutions based in communities and homes, focused on empowering patients to manage their own health and change their behavior as necessary. His goal is to enable 50% of care in the U.S. to be delivered in the home by 2020. "That's game-changing for quality of life, and a trillion dollars in potential savings."

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