10 Incredible Weapons Only America Has

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 10 October 2011, 23:30 IST   |    4 Comments
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Bangalore: America, commonly called as the big brother of all nations has indulged in producing weapons using technology that makes a huge difference when compared to others in the battle field. There are still some weapons the rest of the world doesn't have. Some of these weapons have been around for several years but were recently modified, and some are still in production. Let's take a quick look at these weapons equipped to fight against human race. MQ9 Reaper Drone
MQ9 Reaper Drone
MQ9 Reaper Drone is manufactured by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI), is a combat aircraft. With an operational ceiling of 50,000ft, and higher cruising speed, Reaper can cover a larger area, under all weather conditions carrying payloads of more than 1.5 tons. The aircraft is powered by a single Honeywell TP331-10 engine, producing 950 shp, provides a maximum airspeed of 260 kts and a cruise speed for maximum endurance of 150-170 kts. The MQ9 Reaper will employ robust sensors to automatically find, fix, track and target critical emerging time sensitive targets. The Reaper is the largest of the UAV's in the U.S. arsenal with a wingspan of 84 feet, a takeoff weight of 7,000 pounds, a payload capacity of 3,000 pounds and a flight time of 36 hours. The drone climbs up to 52,000 feet, and reads a license plate from over two miles away. Capable of carrying 500 pound bombs, air to ground, and air to air missiles the UAV fleet is poised to perform big share of American air support.

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